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Organic Handmade Soap



There are many reasons why natural, organic handmade soap may be considered better than store-bought soap. Here are a few of the key reasons:

  • Havana Organics handmade soap is made using natural ingredients, while many store-bought soaps contain synthetic ingredients that may be harsh or irritating to the skin.

  • Havana Organics handmade soap is made in small batches, which allows us to carefully control the quality and purity of the ingredients used. This results in a higher-quality product.

  • Handmade soap often contains natural glycerine, which is a by-product of the soap-making process. Glycerine is a natural moisturiser that can help keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Many store-bought soaps have had the glycerine removed, which can make them less moisturising.

  • Havana Organics handmade soap is made using traditional methods and recipes, which gives it unique qualities and benefits. Havana Organics soaps are made using ingredients that have been used for centuries for their skin-care benefits.



Havana Organics soap is better for the environment. Our soap is made using natural ingredients that are biodegradable and do not contain harmful chemicals. This means that when the soap is used and washed down the drain, it will break down naturally and will not pollute the water or harm aquatic life.


Using Havana Organics natural organic soap is a simple but effective way to reduce your impact on the environment and support sustainable practices in the beauty industry.

Our Story

When my youngest child Havana was 10 months old I was due to return to work however my younger sister had just given birth to twin girls that she was unable to care for, without hesitation I took them in when they were 6 days old and went from being a mother of 6 to a mother of 8! I extended my maternity leave but it didn't take long to realise that returning to work with 3 babies was easier said than done.  


Being a stay at home mum gave me the opportunity to explore my creative side. I stumbled across the art of soap making and it has become my passion.


As my handcrafted organic luxury soap is created with my family in mind, it is of the utmost importance that I only use the BEST ingredients.


Oils used to create our natural soaps


The oils used in the Havana Organics Luxury Soap range are not only Organic but are also food grade ingredients, making Havana Organics Luxury Soap one of the highest quality soaps in the industry. 


Our extra virgin olive oil is high in antioxidants and fatty acids that help to nourish and moisturise the skin. Additionally, the unique composition of extra virgin olive oil makes it an excellent choice for creating luxurious soaps with a rich, creamy lather.


Our coconut oil has a high percentage of lauric acid, which helps to create a rich, luxurious lather and provides superior moisturising and cleansing benefits. Additionally, the long-chain fatty acids in coconut oil help to create a hard bar of soap that lasts longer and retains its shape.


Our sweet almond oil is full of vitamin E and fatty acids that help to nourish and moisturise the skin. Additionally, sweet almond oil helps create a silky and stable lather, which makes it an excellent choice for creating luxurious soaps.


Our shea butter is extremely moisturising and nourishing on the skin, and it helps to create a creamy lather. Additionally, shea butter contains vitamins A, E, and F which can help to reduce dryness, irritation, and wrinkles.


Our palm oil is a great source of vitamin E. It contains approximately 1 milligram of vitamin E per tablespoon. When absorbed into the body this helps to protect your cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Additionally, vitamin E has been linked to improved immune system function and healthier skin. Our palm oil is organic, unrefined, and sustainable. Our organic palm oil is free from synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals and is sustainably sourced from environmentally conscious farms. our organic unrefined palm oil has more of its natural nutrients intact, making it a healthier choice overall.


Fragrances and colouring 


We only use essential oils to provide a gentle chemical free scent and natural scents like organic coffee, organic cocoa etc and only natural colourants like coffee, cocoa, activated charcoal, clays etc assuring our soaps are safe and leaving them looking natural and elegant.


Our essential oils are a great asset to our natural soap because they add therapeutic benefits. Our essential oils also help to create a creamy lather, and some also have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic properties. Our essential oils create unique soaps that are beneficial for the skin and smell amazing.


Our natural colorants are gentle on the skin and some contain beneficial vitamins and minerals that can be absorbed into the skin. Our natural colorants add an extra level of luxury to our Havana Organics Luxury Soap collection.


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